Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What happened to November?

I cannot believe that it has almost been 4 weeks since MCM 2013!!!  Time really does fly....

So I am up at 2am because for the first time in a long time I am nervous about a 5K - a 5K!!!!  Despite all the races I have run, all the miles I have covered, all the cross training and rehabbing I have done, I am still nervous about my first race back since my ankle injury.  I suppose this is a normal, healthy response, but at 2am I think being able to sleep would be healthier.  Like any good runner, when seeped in doubt and pre-race anxiety, I turn to my training log to review work-outs and evaluate my training up until this point.  Since my husband would probably divorce me if I insisted on waking him up right now to review my training log with me, I will share it with you!

My Training Log NOV 2013:

11/1/13-11/8/13: COMPLETE REST with PT.  Worked on range of motion exercises and gradual weight bearing exercises to rehab acute sprain.  Range of motion consisted of non-weight bearing toe raises (10 per set x 3 -4 set 2-3x per day), non-weight bearing toe points (10 per set 3-4 sets 2-3x per day), tracing the alphabet with my toes (1 ABC per set, 3 sets per day), weight-bearing toe raises, walking on my toes, and walking on my heels.

11/9/13: Stationary bike for 45 minutes at an average pace of 20 mph.  It felt great to finally be moving and burning calories again!

11/10/13: Rode my horse Mambo for 30 minutes.  I ride hunter/jumpers which is an English riding discipline.  Because you place a good bit of weight on the balls of your feet in the stirrups riding with stirrups hurt my sprained ankle so I rode without stirrups.  For those of you who ride, you can understand that this was a killer work-out for my quads and abbductors/adductors!!!

11/11/13 - 11/17/13: Rest // 30 min bike/abs // Rest // 45 min bike/arms/abs // Got a severe upper respiratory infection that sidelined me for 4 days!!!  YUCK!

11/18/13-11/24/13: Rest // 30 min bike @ 20 mph // RAN 2 mi/10 min bike@20 mph // Rest // 1 mi run/20 min bike @ 20 mph // ride Mambo // ride Mambo
        *The 2 mi run felt awesome - first day back running and the ankle held up GREAT!

11/25/13: 10 minute bike @ 20 mph avg. pace with 2.5 mi run - 30 min bike@20 mph avg pace

And that my friends is what happened to November....

Happy Early Turkey Day!  Stay tuned for race photos and recap of how the Marietta Gobble Jog 5K turns out!

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