I got to take a little impromptu get-a-way to a small beach on the Gulf Coast of Florida a few weekends ago. It was lovely! But it was also HOT!! I discovered that, despite running more consistently recently than I have been in years, training on hilly courses in a cold winter and mild spring does NOTHING to prepare you for the heat of summer. Although summer does not officially start until this weekend, the temps at the beach were certainly suggestive of the dog days of summer. I was struck by how poorly I produced sweat as well as how the little sweat I did make seemed inadequate for cooling. My legs got sluggish but my breathing stayed normal - so I guess that is a win? Anyways, what I learned on this vacation is that as spring ends and summer begins, I need to start some heat training!!! Exactly how I will do this safely, I am not sure. When I figure it out, I will let you know! If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to post below....
Now, please enjoy the following photo essay of our time at the beach....
Driving for 8 hours in the car makes the doggy-babies sleepy!! |
We took the old Jeep fishing and it was fun - even though we didn't catch anything! |
Finally some R&R |
Can't beat this view while on a long run! |
One of the restaurants we ate at had these place-mats which I haven't seen since I was a kid! |
Enjoy your summer vacations!
Do you run on vacation or relax?
Suggestions on prepping for a hot summer / summer racing?
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