Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Funny Question

I found myself asking a rather odd question the other day. My new coworker and I were talking about running - well, mostly I was complaining about my busted treadmill (which is STILL broken!) and commenting on how frustrating it was to me to not have that tool.  During the course of the conversation I learned that she used to run.  I don't know if it was the tone of her voice or her body language, but something prompted me to ask "Did you run for fitness or fun?"  To which she promptly replied "for fitness."

What an odd question!  And what an odd answer!

I LOVE running - if you haven't noticed already.  It is utterly inconceivable to me that someone would take the time to go for a run for no other reason than fitness. For me, running is first and foremost an exercise in freedom and independence.  Freedom from the confines of my house, the restrictions of my job, and the expectations of society.  Running erases the mind-numbing, soul-sucking mundane day to day BS that we all put up with and it revitalizes.  Running makes me feel alive.  I love running.  I find the physical benefits of a lower resting heart rate, better body image, better body weight, and toned rear end to be a secondary perk, not a primary motivator in my running obsession.

I suppose there are people out in the world who begrudgingly get on a treadmill two or three times per week to pound out a few miles - for fitness.  I suppose I can understand how this limited experience of running could prevent someone from developing a passion for the sport.  But really, how sad!  Just thinking about the poor zombies locked in to the soul-less, unrelenting turn of the treadmill belt causes me to feel the urge to rush to the nearest gym and start tearing people off the evil 'mills and shove them outside.  What would happen?  Would they start running?  Would they like it?  Would they punch me in the face?

I think I would probably get punched in the face...

In other news, I am super excited to announce that my brother and I will be running in our first race together (without my dad) this Sunday.  (Never fear, my Dad is fine but is nursing an Achilles tendon injury that just won't cool off.)  We had a training run last week and clocked a respectable 11:08 per mile pace for 3.22 miles.  I am proud to report I only had a few mishaps with the gear shifter but absolutely ZERO problems with the brakes on Kev's bike - woot!  I will be sure to post a race recap and lots of pictures!! 
Kevin and me at my vet school graduation 2011 - best picture ever!

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