Sunday, March 23, 2014


Today I had one of the BEST races of my running career to date.  Running is a family business in my house and has been ever since I was a little kid.  Some of my earliest childhood memories include those of watching my dad run in races.  I remember going to the 1987 Boston Marathon.  I remember getting up early one Fourth of July to watch a race called "The Peachtree Road Race" and I remember trying to catch a glimpse of my dad on Chanel 2 News in Atlanta.  Running, however, took on a more significant meaning for my family after my little brother Kevin was born.  Running became a great equalizer.

The latest version of the bike - it has gone through many!
Kevin was born via an emergency C-section and as a result he has cerebral palsy.  This condition does not affect his mental faculties but does limit him physically.  These physical limitations were never anything we as children thought much about.  Kevin was included in every activity, so when it came time to go for a run of course there was no question that he was coming too.  When he was small my dad pushed him in a jogger.  When he got bigger, my dad had to get a little more creative.  Together, Kevin and my dad built a custom bike.  Now instead of being pushed, Kevin bikes while we run.  And although he may require some support uphills, he definitely pulls his own weight in the races.  And here is another reason why running is awesome: I can compete in the same athletic event with my brother.  The three of us run together.  Running is the great equalizer.

Usually it is the three of us at races.  My dad and Kevin running together and me tagging along.  Today, it was just Kevin and me.  I was feeling so many emotions.  I was pumped to get to run with Kevin (as always) but I was sad for my dad to not be able to run with us.  Having recently recovered from my own injuries, I know how hard it is to sit on the sidelines!  Then there was the crowd support, the other Team Pease pushers and wheelers, and the excitement and anxiety that come with such a big race.  The race was the Publix Georgia Marathon/Half Marathon/ 5k.  We ran the 5k.  The total race field was over 13,000!!

A selfie of Kev and me at the start
In most of the coaching literature I have read, running coaches recommend setting 3 goals for every race you run.  One goal that is easily achievable, one that is a bit of a stretch, and one that is a lofty goal.  My goals were as follows in that order: finish and don't trip anyone, finish feeling strong, and finish in under 33 minutes.  Check, check, and check.  And oh, by the way, we smashed the final goal finishing in 31:10!!!!!  When we were done, I wanted to turn around and run it again, hills and all!  I think Kevin had a good time too, because he is already planning our next race (I have the email to prove it!)....

A few more pics from today's festivities:
Race swag (medal not featured)

Last race with the Sauconys

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